
  • Feira da Ladra Lisbon
    Portugal,  Travel

    Thieves’ Market in Lisbon and the Woman in Pink Scarf

    Gloomy Saturday, June 2024 – day in Alfama (Lisbon, Portugal) We took the Azul metro line (blue line) towards Santa Apolónia. It’s only five stations from Marquês de Pombal. The Woman in the Pink Scarf sat across from me. She wrapped her head in a scarf decorated with golden and blue sardines swimming in pink waters. The vibrant flowers on her blouse complemented the pastel pink shade of her loose trousers. She answered a call with a smile, her golden watch glinting on her wrist. That morning, we were heading to the flea market at Mercado de Santa Clara, often called the Thieves’ Market (Lisbon’s oldest flea market, open every…

  • Cracow Sukiennice
    Poland,  Travel

    Cracow Museum Marathon

    Cracow – a city where every corner whispers history. And what better way to unveil the secrets of its past and present than to run a museum marathon? Every day, different museums offer free entry with Tuesdays featuring the most attractive selection. And the great news is that many of them are located within or close to the Old Town, so it is possible to just walk from one place to another. From Chelmonski to da Vinci From outside a beautiful palace, inside a modern exhibition space – Czartoryski Museum is displaying one of the most expensive art pieces in Polish collections – The Lady with an Ermine by Leonardo da…

  • Baltic Sea

    Sunrise in Nexø

    It’s 4 in the morning, and the sound of my alarm clock brutally disturbs the perfect silence of this blue hour. It’s still a bit dark outside, but we don’t need to turn the lights on. A cold breeze enters the room through the small basement window.We prepared everything in the evening, and now we just need to get dressed, pack our cameras, and walk for about 3 minutes to the beach. Nexø is still asleep. In the harbour, the boats are slowly swinging, waiting for the first cruise, and the doors to the sand sculpture museum are still closed.Only the birds have started their day already. One proud seagull…

  • Heart algae

    Macro photography ideas – Baltic Sea beach

    White sand, green water and blue sky – Baltic Sea beaches are raw and cold. The subtle colour palette and a lot of empty space create perfect conditions to experiment with a simple, minimalistic photography style. The challenge is to find the object worth capturing and which isn’t too obvious. Typical photos from the Baltic Sea include sunsets, pier, beaches, shells and boats. What if your camera is already full of such photos and you experience the creative block? Try macro photography! In this post I share my ideas of objects worth shooting. Sand There is so much of it on the beach that we tend to ignore it. Sand…

  • Cochem
    Germany,  Must read,  Travel

    Cochem – the golden hills of Apollo

    The iconic photo from Cochem always shows the castle (Reichsburg) on top of the hill. It is surrounded by vineyards, which in autumn change from green to yellow and red. At the base of the hill, there are many colourful houses. Big cruise ships slowly go down the Mosel river. This tranquil scenery has been caught in thousands of photos. What is so special about this place? Why is everyone so hypnotised by Cochem? Cochem has all components of a fairy tale village: castle on a hill, narrow cobbled streets, medieval half-timbered houses, hidden staircases, workshops and wine. It is where childhood dreams about becoming a  princess come true. I…

  • Bieszczady- hiking trails
    Poland,  Travel

    Bieszczady – 4 easy hiking trails

    It is another rainy night in Kalnica. The water drops hit the metal roof. It is so dark that there is no difference if your eyes are opened or closed. As every other evening, we think about the next trip, but with a storm expected next day it is hard to plan long hiking high in the mountains. Luckily we have plenty of alternatives, suitable for worse weather, for when we are tired or when we feel like cycling instead of walking. Below I present 4 easy hiking trails in Bieszczady. 1. From Kalnica to Dolzyca The first trail leads from Kalnica to Dolzyca. It is a biking path through…

  • Baltic Sea
    Poland,  Travel

    Relaxing weekend at the Baltic Sea

    Every now and then we all need a break. The best way to rest and forget about everyday issues is to go somewhere far from home. The farther we go the smaller our problems seem to be. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to take a few weeks off and fly to another continent. However, already just a weekend spent on recharging batteries can do wonders. What if we combine a short holiday with practicing mindfulness? It is not just a meditation, but trying to be present in the moment and live life more consciously. It helps to be more focused and ignore distractions. Such holidays, although short, will stay…

  • Travel

    My places – 2018 – travel destinations of the year

    This time of the year everyone makes some kind of summary and resolutions for the next one. It is a perfect moment to wrap up all my travels. They may serve you as an inspiration for summer holidays or weekend trip. Some of the places have been already described on the blog, so I attached links to older posts. Others are coming soon. And if it is not enough, have a look at summary from one year ago: “2017 – travel destinations of the year”. Botanic gardens and butterflies 2018 was definitely a year of gardens for me. I started with visiting the “Paradise Garden” in Sayn (near Koblenz) full of…

  • Darmstadt_parks_gardens
    Gardens,  Germany,  Travel

    Parks and gardens of Darmstadt

    One of my favorite ways of spending free time is walking in nature. It is not always possible to go to remote places or natural parks. City parks and gardens are a nice alternative. This time I would like to take you on a journey through the green corners of Darmstadt. Darmstadt is often considered grey and ugly. I don’t think so! In this post, I prepared a selection of different garden types. So no matter what your garden preferences are, I have you all covered. I found a typical rose garden and another one with more tropical plants. I have been to parks of princes and ones of artists.…

  • Bieszczady-slow travel
    Must read,  Poland,  Travel

    Fall in love with Bieszczady – 24 slow travel ideas

    Are you not tired of busy touristic locations full of people taking selfies? Fortunately, a new trend is being born that goes against that – slow travel. There is no clear definition of what slow travel is. Everyone understands it differently. However, there are some common ideas. It includes visiting a new site with an open mind, no planning. Quality of experience is over quantity. It should help you embrace a moment. For some people it’s their natural traveling style, others still need to learn. And I think I found a perfect place to practice slow traveling – Bieszczady. Bieszczady is a mountain range in the south-east of Poland. Wild…